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Kubernetes Cluster Compatibility Test

✅: Test passed; ❌: Test failed; No Value: Test not conducted.

Kubernetes Compatibility Testing for Insight Server

Scenario Testing Method K8s 1.28.0 K8s 1.27.1 K8s 1.26 k8s 1.25.0 ~ 1.25.3 k8s 1.24.0 ~ 1.24.7 k8s 1.23.0 ~ 1.23.13 k8s 1.22 Notes
Baseline Scenario E2E
Metrics Query E2E
Logs Query E2E
Traces Query E2E
Alert Center E2E
Topology Query E2E

Kubernetes Compatibility Testing for Insight-agent

Scenario Testing Method K8s 1.28.0 K8s 1.27.1 K8s 1.26 k8s 1.25.0 ~ 1.25.3 k8s 1.24.0 ~ 1.24.7 k8s 1.23.0 ~ 1.23.13 k8s 1.22 k8s 1.21 k8s 1.20 k8s 1.19 k8s 1.18 k8s 1.17 k8s 1.16 Notes
Baseline Scenario E2E
Metrics Query E2E
Logs Query E2E
Traces Query E2E
Alert Center E2E
Topology Query E2E


Insight-agent Version Compatibility History:

  1. Insight Agent is not compatible with k8s v1.16.15 starting from v0.16.x.
  2. Insight Agent v0.20.0 is compatible with k8s v1.18.20.
  3. Insight Agent v0.19.2/v0.18.2/v0.17.x is not compatible with k8s v1.18.20.
